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House Paulini

2015- ongoing

building of a private villa

Client : private 

C.O. : 0,5M€ - 600m²

In consultation with the client, this house was designed as a condominium, with suites around a patio. Inspired by semicircular Cretan buildings, four vaulted units open onto a patio lounge suspended over a steep slope overlooking the sea, and against which the “hamlet” or villa clings, as if huddled around an imaginary ruin.

2010 - present

2010 - present

© Laurent Guinamard-Casati / 242, boulevard Raspail / 75014 Paris/ tel : +33 1 43 20 99 60 

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Site réalisé par Adeline Prouvost et  Diane Brédy-Sidos

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