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" L'Or des Incas "



In the semi-darkness of the exhibition rooms, the sparkle of gold crowns, of pectoral and heavy earrings stands out and attracts attention like a magnet.

An intact mummy of a woman in a squat position catches the eye. These 253 artworks are rarities: buried in graves discovered over the last twenty years, they have escaped the greed of the conquistadors who established their rule in Peru starting from 1532. The Spaniards, indeed, used to melt all jewellery they had seized.


Exhibition “ The Incas’ gold ”

Pinacothèque de Paris - Paris


Cost of works: 300 K.€


© Laurent Guinamard-Casati / 242, boulevard Raspail / 75014 Paris/ tel : +33 1 43 20 99 60 

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Site réalisé par Adeline Prouvost et  Diane Brédy-Sidos

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